
Thank you for helping future 西北维斯塔学院 students with their admissions and enrollment process!

下面您将找到指导学生完成NVC步骤的资源. You may also provide us with the student's information so that we may contact them directly to follow up.



感谢您转介到远景中心:欢迎 & 招生中心!
As you are working with your students and they have questions about our college or enrollment process, we encourage you to refer your student to us so that we can connect with them to assist with their questions.
请填写以下问题,以便我们跟进该学生. 此表格将直接发送至Vista Central. You will also be able to enter your email address to receive a copy of the submission for your records.

We appreciate your support in helping our student navigate their higher education journey!

GPA /考试分数


西北远景学院不要求SAT, 行为, 或任何其他入学标准考试成绩. Instead, students will take the TSI Exam for placement purposes in Math, Reading, and Writing.

然而, 取得合格考试成绩的学生, 双重信用, AP学分, or have completed a college prep course may potentially be exempted from taking the TSI test. 访问 the website for our 测试办公室 to learn more about qualifying exemptions and score requirements.




大学生的第一次 are not required to meet a specific GPA requirement to be admitted to NVC. 学生必须完成高中文凭或GED.

Transfer and former students must be in good academic standing in order to be eligible for admissions. View more information on our website about academic standing requirements for transfer and former students.



提交ting an application to 西北维斯塔学院 is only the first step of the enrollment process. There will be a few other items that students will need to submit prior to registering for classes.




当学生填写西北维斯塔学院的申请表时, 他们将被要求选择一个“学校”,然后选择一个专业.

The "School" will be their NVC Institute: the umbrella under which their pre-major will fall. 雷士的五个研究所是:

  • 创意及传播艺术
  • 健康与生物科学
  • 科学技术
  • 公共服务
  • 商业与创业

如果学生还没有决定他们的专业, they are still encouraged to select a major they are interested in or leaning most strongly towards because they will be assigned to a Certified Academic Advisor based on their institute.

然而, students who are completely undecided may use the option "Liberal Arts" under "创意及传播艺术" as a general degree plan they can follow to complete their basic courses until they've settled on a major.





Texas State Law requires that all students under the age of 22 to submit proper documentation showing they have received the bacterial meningitis vaccination within five years. 此外,学生亦可提交豁免书,豁免接种疫苗. Students and parents should carefully consider all options before making their decisions.





注册过程中最令人兴奋的部分是注册课程! 学生们总是很兴奋能够挑选和报名参加他们的课程.

一旦学生完成所有注册步骤, 他们就有资格报名参加新生培训, which is where they will meet with a Certified Academic Advisor and register for their first semester classes. 这个方向是强制性的, 目的是向学生介绍认证顾问的概念, 教他们如何注册课程, 并帮助他们选择他们开始学位计划所需的课程.

而不是面对面的指导, Transfer and Former students will complete a short online orientation that will prepare them for their first meeting with a Certified Academic Advisor. This advisor will help them review their credits from their previous institutions to help students understand how their credits will transfer. They will then assist students with selecting courses for their intended major and/or transfer institution, 这取决于学生的目标.


以下是帮助学生选择支付学杂费的资源. 请点击每个链接以了解每个选项的更多信息.


奖学金 自掏腰包支付学费
FAFSA应用程序 注册的最后期限
退伍军人福利 付款的最后期限
现役军人福利 学费和杂费

通过我们的大学联系项目, our Recruitment Team partners with many local area high schools to provide college access and awareness, 协助学生提交他们的德州申请, 并帮助学生完成注册步骤.


  • 合作伙伴圣安东尼奥地区的高中
  • 大学博览会活动
  • 家长工作坊
  • 高中访问日期




我们知道对很多学生来说, one of the most exciting parts of college is signing up for classes and planning out their degree.

All students at NVC will have an assigned Certified Academic Advisor that will help them understand their degree plans and sign up for classes. 然而, many students like to explore degree opportunities first in order to better understand the types of classes a degree might offer.

以下是学生可以用来探索可能的预科专业的资源, 了解职业选择, 并审查转学学位计划.


探索雷士学院 审查转学建议指南
浏览NVC预专业 拜访职业教练

Students and their families are encouraged to visit our school to tour the campus and learn more about what NVC has to offer. 通过各种校园活动与我们联系,例如:

  • 校园导览
  • 开放日预览活动
  • 免预约招生和入学协助

