

We have gathered some of the most commonly asked questions to give you more information about the Bellwether College Consortium and some of the events we host. If you have a question that you don see here, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at rmartinez1702@mokmingsky.com.

注意: 点击色带将显示答案. 



成立于1995年, 风向标奖是一个历史悠久的奖项, respected award solely awarded to innovative community 大学s. The rigorous award competition is an integral part of the Community College 期货大会 where the 30 Bellwether Finalists are invited to present their program in a final round of competition among selected peer institutions. The Assembly is sponsored by the Alamo Colleges District and focuses on cutting-edge, trendsetting programs that are worthy of scaling and replication given their evidence-based outcomes and indicators. The 领头羊奖s are given annually in three categories to community 大学s with outstanding and innovative programs or practices. Award categories are 教学计划和服务(IPS), 规划, 治理和财务(PGF), 和劳动力发展(WD).

The 领头羊奖 has been compared to football’s Heisman Award because it is competitively judged and is awarded by respected peers in leadership positions. Recipients of the 领头羊奖 have said that it has been a springboard for other types of recognition and/or funding.

在以下三个类别中,每个类别选出10所大学.e. 教学计划和服务(IPS), 规划, 治理和财务(PGF), 及劳动力发展(WD)).
该联盟将于11月宣布最终入围名单. Bellwether Finalists are notified via email and through our social media channels.
Where can I find the latest announcements by the Bellwether College Consortium?
公告出现在社交媒体上. Please follow us on the following social media platforms for the latest news.
Finalists are invited to become members and are considered contenders for the 领头羊奖 after they join the consortium. Consortium members receive registration to the Community College 期货大会 and other valuable benefits.
  • 教学计划 & 服务: Programs or activities that have been designed and successfully implemented to foster or support teaching and learning in the community 大学.
  • 规划、治理 & 财务: Programs or activities that have been designed and successfully implemented to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the community 大学.
  • 员工发展: Public and/or private strategic alliances and partnerships that promote community and economic development

ALL community 大学s in the United States and its territories can apply. The 30 Bellwether Finalists are those community 大学s that scored highest in the first round of competition. Each 大学 can enter 一个 submission per award category.

Each 大学’s application should address the criteria detailed on the BCC website in a comprehensive and concise manner.
Should I submit additional materials with my application?

No. Additional materials are requested only from finalists after they have been notified of their finalist status.

When is the application deadline for the 2025 领头羊奖 competition?
The deadline for the 2025 领头羊奖 competition is September 27, 2024.
申请将只接受通过 Bellwether提交门户.

如有任何问题,请联系罗伯特·阿科斯塔 racosta18@mokmingsky.com

每个社区大学都可以提交 每类别一项 (i.e. 教学计划和服务, 员工发展, 和规划, 治理, 和金融)的竞争.

We welcome 大学s who have never participated before as well as our past award finalists and winners.

Can we submit the same project/initiative for two categories?

是的, you can submit the same program in two different 领头羊奖 categories if it fits either of the category’s definitions. If the program is among the top ten programs in both categories, 然后该学院就被提名为2008年的领头羊决赛 一个 它在这个类别中得分最高.


There is a maximum of 10-pages for content with a 10-page maximum for appendices. Does the 10 pages of content include or exclude the cover (front/back = 4 pages) and TOC (front/back=2 pages). In booklet format, this would consume 6 of the 10 pages of content. Or is the cover and TOC included in the 10 pages of content? 这会影响设计和视觉吸引力.

这些页面不包括在总页数中. Feel free to design a cover and please include your program name, 大学, 和奖项类别,如果一个领头羊奖的竞争者.

需要为活页夹提供一个URL链接. 我假设这是下载文档. 但是,如果我们要使用诸如issuu.com, would a link to the digital publication be acceptable. Once there, the document can be viewed digitally and downloaded as a PDF.

只需要一个pdf文件. Please download the document from the source and then upload it to our survey. We try to keep it simple for our judges who receive a link to the pdf file and a paper copy of each binder in their scoring packet.

嵌入式视频可以作为图形吗? Issuu.Com允许我们这样做, but I wanted to be assured we were within or submission requirement if including video embedding.

我们要求PDF没有链接或视频. We have found that keeping the digital binders free of hyperlinks and is the best practice for scoring and maintaining a fully functioning BCC digital binder library with resources that can be accessible in perpetuity.


是的! The guidance webinar for the 领头羊奖 will be announced in August.
Will there be a 2025 Bellwether Finalist Guidance Webinar?
是的, this will be announced and held in November to our finalists.
We are currently planning an in-person conference at this time.





We are here to address your questions and share our latest news. 如果我们不联系你,请澳门新葡京博彩!




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